Profile PictureGreg Davis

Greg Davis is an internationally recognized electronic musician / composer who has been releasing music and playing shows since 2001. Davis has released albums on labels such as Important, Kranky, Ekhein, Room40, Install, Home Normal, Digitalis, NNA, Greyfade, Carpark Records, as well as his own imprint Autumn Records. He lives in Burlington, Vermont and owns and operates the Autumn Records record shop in Winooski, VT. I have been using Max/MSP/Pluggo since 1999 & Ableton Live since 2002. All of these plugins began as patches that I used to make music, to do specific sound processing ideas or just as experiments to mess with audio. I've been slowly porting all of these patches & Pluggos to Max For Live in recent years. Some are more useful than others, some have minimal, cryptic or no controls but thats part of the fun, experiment and play around with your sounds. Get in touch with me for questions, feature requests, bug fixes, issues, comments, feedback, etc. Enjoy!

GD Max For Live Devices



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